Our stock system allows you to store your produce at our site for as long as you require and then be able to instruct us on daily basis on each pallets delivery point, distribution date and requirements of delivery point.
This helps you plan and control your stock level on a daily basis. Our stock control team email daily stock reports to you, showing remaining stock to enable you to use accurate figures at the start of each day. Our stock reports show arrival date, product, sizes / count, amount per pallet, date of delivery & destination for the whole consignment.
Storage and Warehousing: - Storage of temperature – critical fresh produce
Consolidation: - Along with storage we can collect from your Packhouse, hubs, and farms for onward delivery.
“Our work with Darren and Tim at Staplehurst Transits started 21 months ago. Most of our business is based in the Kent area, So we needed a reliable collection and delivery service. That covered most parts of the UK, Staplehurst Transits were the answer. We have always had excellent service with only the occasional problem, which was put right immediately.
It is a very well run and respected Company, this is evident from the investment that has been made in their Distribution Hub. They have helped our Company accomplish our early goals, and in my opinion they have ticked all the boxes.
What we have appreciated most about working with Darren and his team is their ability to get the job done, and keep everyone happy.."
Nicholas Binney - Managing Director, Kent Fruit Direct Ltd