Staplehurst Transits



Directions to Staplehurst Transits Ltd from Maidstone


We are situated approx. 10.5km (6.5m) out of Maidstone on the A229 Maidstone to Hastings road.

  • From M20 J5 or M2 J3 Follow signs for Maidstone.
  • From Maidstone follow signs for Hastings A229
  • From Maidstone town centre, after approx. 1.6km, bear right at Wheatsheaf pub (A229)
  • After a further 3.5km, you will come to a cross roads
  • Straight across at crossroads and down steep hill (Linton Hill / Village) and continue for a further 3.4km.
  • On the right hand side you will pass the “Stile Bridge Inn” just past the pub bear to the left staying on A229.
  • We are a further 2km from "stile bridge inn" on left.
  • Approx. 500 yards after "Millbrook Garden Centre (Highgrove)".
  • Turn left, opposite oast house.

“Our work with Darren and Tim at Staplehurst Transits started 21 months ago. Most of our business is based in the Kent area, So we needed a reliable collection and delivery service. That covered most parts of the UK, Staplehurst Transits were the answer. We have always had excellent service with only the occasional problem, which was put right immediately.

It is a very well run and respected Company, this is evident from the investment that has been made in their Distribution Hub. They have helped our Company accomplish our early goals, and in my opinion they have ticked all the boxes.

What we have appreciated most about working with Darren and his team is their ability to get the job done, and keep everyone happy.."

Nicholas Binney - Managing Director, Kent Fruit Direct Ltd